Home » Company accused of colluding with Obama admin to steal, offshore US invention panicked over Glenn Beck interview

Company accused of colluding with Obama admin to steal, offshore US invention panicked over Glenn Beck interview

Jeff Parker, the CEO of the small Florida-based technology company ParkerVision, spoke to Blaze Media co-founder Glenn Beck on Jan. 30 to discuss tech giant Qualcomm’s alleged theft of one of the most revolutionary patented innovations in U.S. history with the help of elements of the Obama administration — technology that ended up in the hands of Americans’ communist Chinese competitors.

It turns out Parker’s interview with Beck got under the right people’s skin.

Qualcomm, which has contested ParkerVision’s allegation that it infringed on ParkerVision’s patented technology for roughly 11 years, unsuccessfully filed a court motion on Feb. 4 requesting a gag order against the Florida company.

To the likely chagrin of executives at Qualcomm, Parker appeared again on “The Glenn Beck Program” Monday, doubling down on his previous claims and stating, “We’re simply bringing the facts.”