Home » Reporter shares shocking IMMEDIATE effect Donald Trump has had on the border crisis: “I’ve never seen anything this low…”

Reporter shares shocking IMMEDIATE effect Donald Trump has had on the border crisis: “I’ve never seen anything this low…”

In case you haven’t heard, Donald Trump started the mass deportations on Day One. Many a progressive tear has been shed, and many a leftist meltdown has been mocked and ridiculed as these violent criminals are sent back to their home countries. Trump is doing what he said he was going to do. Promises made, promises kept. Know what I mean?
However, while we’ve been focused on who is being sent back, there hasn’t been as much about who is trying to cross over. According to reporter Bill Melugin, that’s because there aren’t many people trying to cross over to report. And he would know. We know there was a Biden Border Crisis because Melugin was one of the few reporters reporting on it. So much so that the White House and the Democrat Oligarchy did everything to shame and hurt him.
Attempted crossings are so low; he has never seen anything like it.
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